General Guidelines
When creating and managing any listing on Discollab, you agree to all of the following:
- To create and manage a Discord server listing you must be either the owner, or have "Manage Server" or "Administrator" permissions in that server. To create and manage bot listings, you simply must be the owner of that bot.
- Keep the description of your listings(s) clean from any toxicity, foul language, spam, politics, personal information, etc.
- If provided, using relevant social media links. Don't be misleading or malicious.
- Your listing(s) are not posted with malicious intent, and fully comply with Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
- The icon for any listed server(s) or bot(s) should be appropriate and not contain any NSFW content, including but not limited to excessive skin exposure, provocative gestures, etc. Regardless of whether the depictions are of real or fictional individuals.
- Refer to the "Marked as NSFW" section below.
Server Listings Marked as NSFW
You must mark your server listing as NSFW if any of the following applies:
- The server has more than one NSFW channel.
- The server icon is considered NSFW.
Bot Listings Marked as NSFW
You must mark your bot listing as NSFW if any of the following applies:
- The bot provides NSFW features which are automatically enabled for every user.
- The bot icon is considered NSFW.
General Guidelines
When creating a review for any listing, you agree to all of the following:
- Ensure your review is relevant to the listing it's posted to in some way. Keep it light and respectful clean from any toxicity, foul language, spam, politics, personal information, content thats not safe for work (NSFW), etc.
- Your review is not posted with malicious intent, and fully complies with Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
Common Sense
Use our website and services only for their intended purposes; refrain from abusing or spamming them, sharing or engaging in malicious behavior, etc. We ask that all activities on our website and services remain civil to ensure smooth operation without disruptions.
Generating Profit
Do not engage in any activities aimed at generating financial gain from our website or services.
Failure to comply with the guidelines above can lead to the removal of your listing(s) and a ban from our website and services.